Friday, November 12, 2010

Gossip Cop: Breaking Dawn Sex Shoot Not Tied to Robsten Romance

PhotobucketHollywoodLife’s track record when it comes to Twilight is, um, less than sparkling.
But its latest Breaking Dawn “exclusive” is even more misguided than usual.
The site insists that producers are shootingEdward Cullen and Bella Swan’s romantic honeymoon scenes in Brazil early in the production in case Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart split in real life.
“There’s always that ‘Oh s*** factor’ — what if they break up and we haven’t shot all the intimate stuff yet?” explains a HollywoodLife “source.”
“It would be awkward for everyone involved.”
Therefore, claims the site, the Breaking Dawn team made sure to get the love scenes “in the can as a precaution” in the event that Robsten fizzles.
This is 100% untrue.
Gossip Cop has spoken with production sources who scoffed at the HollywooodLife story, explaining that the shooting schedule is set up months ahead of time, and that building it around the stars’ love lives would be totally unfeasible.
Pattinson and Stewart — like any performers paired for an on-screen romance — are under contract to do the scenes that are in the script, and those scenes will be filmed when it makes the most sense according to hundreds of practical factors comprising a major movie shoot.
There’s no rush to get Robsten “in the can.”
But you can take this latest HollywoodLife nonsense and throw it in the trash.

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