Friday, November 12, 2010

Selena Gomez Likes 'Edward' Mor Than Robert Pattinson


Usually when people find a certain character in a movie or TV show attractive, the transitive property usually carries over when it comes to the actor playing them. However, this is apparently not the case with Disney Channel star Selena Gomez.

In a new interview with Top of the Pops, here is what Selena had to say on the matter:

"When I watched the first 'Twilight' film, I definitely liked Edward. Do I think Robert Pattinson is hot? I think Edward, his character, is.

"I can't help being in Team Edward! But Taylor is great in the movies, too, though. He's super-talented."

Selena chose to answer this question in really an interesting way -- rather than claim that Pattinson is attractive in his own right, she chose to deflect the question to entirely make the focus about Edward Cullen.


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