Saturday, March 27, 2010

Robert Pattinson: I’m scared of rebuff

By now we know that he can bite. Now he is being all human in a romance, without a happy end. In it, the 23-year-old wants to show his darker side

Are there even female fans that do not want to wake up next to the sexy hunk with the wild hair after they spent the night with him? We did not think so either. The most important question still remains unanswered: Are Robert Pattinson (23) and Kristen Stewart (19) an item or not? ‘in’ asked the shooting star:

IN: Do you sometimes wish for the times when no one knew who you were?
Rob: If I started doing that I’d go nuts. But I admit, this hype can be too much. While shooting ‘Remember Me’ I just had to turn around a corner and there were 40 papparazzis waiting for me. That happens all the time. The most bizarre situation was shooting ‘New Moon’ though. Most of the extras were fans and I had to take my shirt in front of them. I never experienced anything like that but I would never want to go back to my old life.

IN: Because that would mean you would not have met your girlfriend, Kristen Stewart?
Rob: Well, what to say to that? I’d rather not comment on that. (he is all smiles)

IN: What is it like to be in a bar or restaurant together? Do you have to use the rear exits?
Rob: Yes, all the time in LA. As long as I’m alone I’m able to live a normal life when I’m in London though. The only problem is that all the bars and restaurants in Soho I used to go to back then are closed by now.

IN: Does your fame make it harder or easier when it comes to meeting girls?
Rob: I gotta admit that I’m even more anxious than I used to be. Back then I was just scared of getting rejected. Now I’m also scared of not getting rejected. You never know where something like that will lead. Love is exhausting. In the ‘Twilight’ movies it’s all about emotions but how can you be sure to love someone for the rest of your life?

IN: The relationship with Kristen Stewart did not provide more security and inner peace for you then?
Rob: I basically get that from my closest friends. When I was shooting in New York, a friend lived with me for a long time before my sister moved in. That way I gain back focus and security. Playing the guitar is good to calm myself. I just bought a new one recently. However, if I don’t know what’s going on or I’m losing control I get really stressed out.

IN: When do you lose control?
Rob: Whenever the whole hype around me gets out of control. I get really anxious as soon as there are screaming girls around me. But I think everyone would become paranoid then.

IN: Have you ever been fanatic over something yourself?
Rob: There was a time when I was obsessed with Van Morrison but never excessively. To me, the whole thing is really special because it all happened more accidentially. I got thrown into it if you like. One day there was this article in an Australian magazine about me being pregant, ME! What can you do about something like that?

IN: But the fame always has it’s good sides too. Don’t you enjoy the fact that lots of designers want to work with you?
Rob: At the premieres I always wear things by Marc Jacobs, I really like his style. Obviously, other stuff just doesn’t fit me. In my private life I prefer crappy clothes, most of the time I get them from resale shops, just because I don’t wanna be like the rest of the world, living after the latest fashion trends. Luxury is not my thing.

IN: So we will never get to see you at fashion shows then?
Rob: Hell no! That would be too embarassing, my friends would probably go like ‘Hey, what are you doing? Have you lost your mind?’

IN: What do you spend your money on?
Rob: Preferably I don’t spend it at all. I always worry that one day my career will be over. Looking more closely to it I should probably buy a house. I gave up my appartment in Soho because I’m never there anyway and that’s just really exhausting. Last year I almost bought a house in The States but then didn’t. When you finally find the right one it’s just so damned expensive.


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