Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Eclipse: an analysis of all the items on the soundtrack

The soundtrack of Twilight: Eclipse keeps many of the mysteries that will face Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner or, which is the same, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and Jacob Black. Atlantic Records has stopped listening to a group of experts with the original soundtrack and made a thorough analysis, song by song, all music of Eclipse.
They also include scenes that are suspect on the screen while listening to the issues. So if you have terrified of 'spoilers', because here are a few runs.

1 .- Metric: Eclipse (All Yours) '. Catchy song with lyrics that fit well with the style of the film. We believe that is the subject of it in Eclipse. It may sound at the end of film, after all the battles and fight scenes.

2.- Muse: 'Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)': The sound is very reminiscent of his last album, with futuristic sounds, a feeling of 80s pop and a bit of Beethoven at the end of the topic. We can not imagine the song in any part of the movie, so probably in the credits.

3 .- The Bravery: 'Ours'. It is a theme that will appeal to fans and that will kill you for listening to all the conventions of Twilight. Very energetic, perfect for the scene of the graduation or post-graduation party at the home of the Cullen.

4 .- Florence + The Machine: 'Heavy In Your Arms'. This song catches you from the first second. A mix of Queen, Evanescence and some Gospel. Seriously, you love it and lay it over and over again in your player.

5 .- Sia: 'My Love'. It is one of the songs we've heard in the trailer. Fits at the scene of the engagement, very instrumental.

6 .- Farla Fan: 'Atlas'. Powerful drums and rhythm with a ukulele. A unique blend that you also find it very catchy. Difficult to know where to go in the footage of the tape.

7 .- The Black Keys: 'Chop and Change'. Possibly think that this was the song that Muse should have touched. The soloists voice is very reminiscent of Bob Dylan. It is very short compared to other themes of the soundtrack of Eclipse.

8 .- The Dead Weather: "Rolling in on a Tire Burning." Definitely this is the theme for the scene where the newly converted into vampires out of the water or any fight scene in a big way.

9 .- Beck and Bat for Lashes: 'Let' get Lost. Sounds like a remix of a rhythmic theme of the early 90s. Surely it's a song for Edward and Bella, well for the scene of bed ...

10 .- Vampire Weekend: 'Jonathan Low'.
A very true song that will not disappoint the fans of the band.

11 .- Unkle: 'With You in My Head (with The Black Angels). "
Not the best song on the album ... Remember the theme of the television series 60, Hawaii, 5-0.

12 .- Eastern Conference Champions 'A Million Miles an Hour'
Function as a track to move from one scene to another, but neither should be very important.

13 .- Band of Horses: 'Life on Earth'.
Not much point, it's an instrumental song. Paste a lot to the last scenes of Eclipse, when Jacob bet to break every bone in your body or simply the main theme of Jacob.

14 .- Cee Lo Green: 'What Part of Forever'. We love it as much as the subject of Florence + The Machine.
It is refreshing to hear this song after a few slow songs. Fans will love this song rock. He has earned, without doubt, the award for 'most striking song soundtrack Eclipse. "

15 .- Howard Shore: 'Jacob's Theme'.
The issue is very sad and disheartening, possibly fit with the scenes of the feelings of Jacobs to see Edward and Bella together. Has failed to issue 'The Meadow' by Alexandre Desplat for New Moon.


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