Wednesday, June 02, 2010

"MOVIE STAR" Magazine from Japan (July 2010) Scans


English translation

"Edward, Stuffing His Face with a Lot of Chicken."

Robert Pattinson, who is awaiting the filming of "Breaking dawn", the series finale of Twilight, which is being shot this fall, has been told by the producers to build up even more muscle. Even though "eclipse", in contrast with "new moon", will not have any especially large-scale action scenes, why does Edward, played by Robert, need to now become more muscular?
Putting the reasons aside, Robert, having been ordered to build up muscle, has immediately put his mind to changing his eating habits to center around high protein food, in short, chicken. It seems that he has a preference for Peri-Peri chicken at the London chicken restaurant chain Nando's, which he goes to often.


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