Saturday, November 06, 2010

Brazilian Fan Talks How was Meeting Rob, Kristen and Stephenie Meyer

PhotobucketThe brazilian fan Bruna Monteiro is so lucky! She was the first one to take pictures with Robert, Kristen and Stephenie Meyer today, on their arrival to Brazil. Bruna told us that she woke up at 4:10 a.m., went to pick up her friend Joana and then went to Tom Jobim International Airport, where they waited until 10am. “It was very tense to wait that long,” she said. After a long wait, the time has come.

The first one to be seen was Robert: “The first thing I saw was Rob, then I started calling him, of course, being civilized, but his agent was pushing me, then I got desperate, because he kept saying that I could not take any pictures,” she said. But Bruna did not give up, “It was me and a few other girls, so I ran and grabbed his hand, took the picture and gave him the shirt from Brazil, I said that it was from all the Twilight fans and that I loved him very much. He laughed, thanked me and gave me a hug.”

After regaining consciousness (who wouldn’t lose it, right?) Bruna realized that Kristen was by herself and used the chance to get closer to the actress, “I ran to go talk to her, then she thanked me, gave me a hug and took a picture and everything. Then they were gone, ” she told us. And Bruna was so close to not see Stephenie Meyer! “I was leaving, so then I heard ‘hey, isnt that the woman who wrote the book?’ And when I looked it was Stephenie. I look at her all scared and she laughed. Then I said that I admired her work and she started talking to me.” At the end of our conversation, the brazilian fan said that everyone seemed very happy, especially Robert, and although they were not exchanging any affection, it was evident that he and Kristen are together.


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