Sunday, December 26, 2010

Moviefone 50 Best Movies of 2010: Eclipse and Tron Legacy on list

We know what you're thinking: 'Twilight'? Really?! But before you judge, hear us out: While it didn't exactly reinvent 'Citizen Kane,' at the end of the day, 'Eclipse' was a pretty fun time at the movies. Sure, it had its fair share of 'Twilight' trappings, and we still think Bella would have been better off with Jacob, not Edward. But as an action-thriller, 'Eclipse' totally worked. (The scene in which Bryce Dallas Howard gets her head smashed? Awesome.) If ever there was a time to embrace 'The Twilight Saga,' it would be 2010. -- Andy Scott

Disney took a major gamble by throwing an estimated $170 million at a sequel to a cult 1982 movie that few people have ever seen. Whether it earns back that massive investment remains to be seen, but the overall result is a genuinely exciting, eye-popping, 3-D action flick about a human (Garrett Hedlund) who gets sucked into a sentient computer program while searching for his long-lost father (Jeff Bridges). You can bet that if it does turn a profit, the next installment in the 'TRON' franchise won't take 28 years to come to the screen. -- John Sellers

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