Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who's Really Replaceable in Breaking Dawn?

If there's anything we've learned over the past year or so with our Twilight coverage, it's how to decipher Summit Code. And right now, we're picking up some major stress over at the hot studio.

Aside from Bill Condon's "creative thoughts" on whether Breaking Dawn should be one or two movies, the other reason holding up an official announcement is supposed salary disputes. Who didn't see this one coming?

So whose heads are really on the chopping block?

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene are playing hardball after an "offensive" salary offer for the (most likely) fifth movie.

Guess what? We're hearing this is oh so true.

Summit will pretty much pay whatever it takes to keep Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner for the final flicks. The golden three aren't going anywhere, like, duh.

As for the other Twi cast members? Like we've said before, the little studio that could finds them replaceable, which was part of the reason Rachelle Lefevre was recast. It was a warning, so to speak, to snap some of the demanding cast back in their place. Remember she, too, tried to squeeze out more money for Eclipse and look where that got her.

Sure, there were petitions and Twitter protests to get Rachelle back, but after a few weeks the hype died down and everyone pretty much forgot about the old Victoria, hate to say it. New Moon still went on to break box-office records despite the future casting shakeup. Summit believes this will still be the case for the next three movies, and they're probably right.

Hmmm, so guess this means Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone are taking what they can get? Smart. And ironic, too, since, aside from K.Stew, Nikki most certainly had the best résumé when signing on to Twilight.

Alright Ashley and Kellan, listen up, because aside from Robsten (who obviously we heart the most), you two are easily our second faves: Take the current offer.


Because if you all don't come to a salary agreement, the studio is going to get over you two very fast. Most likely scenario is they will replace one of you (first) if these salary negotiations don't make any progress. Then that will be a warning to the other one with a "see, you can stay or go, we don't care" message.

Any guesses as to which star would be the first to be let go? (We know who!)

And let's be real, as much as we adore Kellan, he has had maybe three lines throughout this entire franchise, and while Ashley has played a bigger part, her role quickly fades as the book goes on.

So please babes, if not for us, do it for the fans! You're both still making way more money than in the first flick, anyways. What's one more go-round?

SOURCE : eonline

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