Thursday, June 10, 2010

Access Exclusive Clip: ‘Eclipse’ Wolf Pack Goofs On Jacob

Upcoming film “Eclipse” may feature some of “The Twilight Saga’s” biggest action scenes yet, but the movie also features some comedy – courtesy of the wolf pack.

“I’m glad you’re here, Bella,” pack member Embry (Kiowa Gordon) says in a new clip from the film exclusive to Access Hollywood. “Now we can get a break from Jake’s obsessive inner monologue!”

Jacob’s (Taylor Lautner) fellow wolves go on to poke fun at his relationship with Bella (Kristen Stewart), which – as Twi-hards know – comes to a head as he faces off with Edward for her heart in “Eclipse.”

But the joking around soon turns serious as “Twilight Saga” newcomer, lone lady wolf Leah Clearwater (Julia Jones), walks into the scene – and tells Bella off.

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