Friday, June 11, 2010

Moviefone's Hottest Men of Summer 2010

Moviefone has come out with their anual Hottest Men of Summer list and Robert Pattinson and Taylor lautner have both made the cut. the join names such as Tom Cruise, Ashton Kutcher, Russell Crowe, Dev Patel, and Bradley Cooper. Sadly Jackson Rathbone did not make the list along side his fellow Twilight and Last Airbender castmates.
Here is what they had to say about Robert Pattinson:
‘He Plays: Vampire Edward Cullen, the one true love of mortal Bella Swan
Where Else You’ve Seen Him: Besides the ‘Twilight’ series? He was poor doomed Cedric in ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,’ and romanced Emilie De Ravin in ‘Remember Me.’
Why He’s Hot: The knife-sharp cheekbones! That shock of unruly hair! That heroic profile! If ever any actor was born to brood, it’s R-Pattz. He’s just how we imagine our dream vampire boyfriend should be: pale and thin, with eyes that seem to bore into our soul. When he says, “I promise to love you forever,” who doesn’t swoon?”
See the whole list on Moviefone.

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