Thursday, June 10, 2010

Taylor Lautner hates his job...

...but only when it involves being mean to Robert Pattinson!

Playing arch-rivals Jacob Black and Edward Cullen on the set of Twilight, Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson spend most of their days giving each other the death stare. And watching them battle it out for the affection of Bella Swan, we actually believe those looks are full of loathing.

But that just shows what good actors the boys are, because Taylor has revealed that in real life they're actually the best of buds. He even let on that their friendship makes doing his job a lot harder as finds it difficult to act like he hates Rob.


And we're not surprised! Not only is Rob a total hearthrob, word on the street is that he's also a seriously funny guy. If you watched our '50 greatest Twilight videos' story you'll know that. There's a lot of hi-larious videos in there involving Robert and his, err, 'different' sense of humour.

"He's one of the funniest people I ever met," Taylor told Australian newspaper Nine to Five. "He has a completely different sense of humour to me but I can't stop laughing with him. Whenever we have to do scenes where I'm having to hate him and scream at him, as soon as they call cut I end up laughing at him."


And it seems it's not just Kristen Stewart that appreciates what a good heart her (rumoured! are we still saying that!?) boyfriend Rob has. Taylor added: "It's hard to be mean to such a nice guy."

Well that's what we like to hear! Not only does it show the Twilight cast are above all the bitchiness that often plagues other film sets, it's just the proof we need that Robert Pattinson is definitely future husband material.



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