Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mtv: Top 10 'Harry Potter' Hotties: #2 Rob Pattinson - The Crush Compilation


The "Harry Potter" movies may not be known for their sexy male actors, but over the past decade the films have definitely seen their fair share of eye candy. Some we only knew for a little while, and others we've seen grow up before our eyes.

2. Robert Pattinson
We would be remiss if RPattz didn’t make it on our list, and—prepare your rot ten veggies—I’ll be the first to admit that I def i nitely think he ismuch hot ter as Cedric Dig gory than he is as Edward Cullen. Plus he has one of the top five most heart break ing deaths in “Harry Pot ter” his tory, which earns him a top spot on this list. His death scene made me cry more than Sir ius Black’s, and that’s say ing something.

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