Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Rob Pattinson #2 Fandango's List "Sexy Brit"


Hollywood is forever enamored with it, giving labels to such prodigious groups of talented young and young-at-heart performers as the Rat Pack, the Brat Pack and the forever adolescent Frat Pack. Across the pond, a group of dashing newcomers are starting to make their own mark. We like to call them the Brit Pack, and according to our Fandango poll results, here are your sexy favorites, from #10 to #1...

2) Robert Pattinson

Perfectly disheveled hair, squeal-worthy abs, and the qualities of a chivalrous gentleman. What more could a tween want? Pattinson embodies perfection (as Team Edward would attest) in the form of Twilight heartthrob Edward Cullen and Harry Potter Quidditch captain Cedric Diggory. Despite his other romantic roles in Little Ashes, Remember Me and Bel Ami, the popular heartthrob will likely have girls screaming "Bite me" for a loooong time.

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