Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Strong Security in Paraty (Isle Esme Location)

Some information was taken to maintain the confidentiality of the locations.

Robsten arrived around 5h30pm to the city of Paraty, in the southern state of Rio de Janeiro. They landed in a helicopter and headed for the lodge (do not disclose the location for obvious reasons). The artists chose to spend the night in the accommodation, controlled under tight security. On Tuesday (9), the couple should run some scenes in the city before heading to the Saco de Mamanguá. Pattinson and Kristen will shoot scenes from the movie in a house located in Mamanguá. The house is protected by security since this Monday (8) and local access only is possible by boat.


Curious, however, may not be within 200 meters of the house. The team, on board a boat, preventing the approach and argue that the area is reserved to permit the Navy.

Heavy security for the island


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