Monday, June 27, 2011

New Boo Boo Stewart Interview for Twilightish

This week Twilightish chatted with Boo Boo Stewart about the end of the saga, Aladdin and what is next for this young star.

Twilightish: How does it feel to see the end of the Twilight Saga?

Boo Boo: I am sad to see it end but excited for the future.

Twilightish: As the youngest of the pack, what will you miss the most about your wolf family?

Boo Boo: I really made some good friends, especially while we were shooting the last two -- But I will see them again at some point.

Twilightish: How much of yourself did you put into the character of Seth? Do you share his curiosity?

Boo Boo: I think that Seth and I are similar - we are both happy and want people to get along - trying to see the best in people.

Twilightish: Of all the characters you've played, where does Seth rank?

Boo Boo: Playing Seth definitely is the role that has helped my career the most.

Twilightish: In Breaking Dawn Seth defies Sam and takes off to protect the Cullen's with Jacob, how was it standing up to Sam like that?

Boo Boo: Well I can't really comment on that until the films comes out.

Twilightish: When you look back on the Twilight Saga, what do you feel? If you had to do it all over again would you?

Boo Boo: I would do it again - without a doubt.

Twilightish: What will you miss the most about the Saga?

Boo Boo: I enjoyed meeting all the people and I love being on the set.

Twilightish: Do you have a favorite moment from any of the films?

Boo Boo: I would have to say just arriving on set for the first time to film Eclipse.

Twilightish: What was your favorite scene to film in Breaking Dawn?

Boo Boo: I will answer that after the film airs.

Twilightish: Now that the Saga is almost over, are you really Team Jacob? Or do you harbor Team Edward tendencies?

Boo Boo: I like both sides so I am TEAM SETH.

Twilightish: If you could or did take one prop or costume piece of Seth's, what would it be and why?

Boo Boo: The wardrobe designer was amazing - Michael - he did such a great job I would like to take it all.

Twilightish: Do you have any new projects on the horizon?

Boo Boo: I have a few I can discuss - one film I hope to start soon is Jake Stevens - The Last Protector and my sister Fivel and I are getting set to release our first album.

Twilightish: Is there something you are dying to do?

Boo Boo: I would love to play Aladdin one day.

Twilightish: Is there someone you are really hoping to work with?

Boo Boo: Maybe Johnny Depp.

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