Monday, June 27, 2011

(Audio) Kellan Lutz Interview With Ryan Seacrest

Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen) called in to On Air with Ryan Seacrest on Monday, June 27th for a quick interview. Kellan talked about his upcoming movie Immortals and being an uncle to a hybrid baby in Breaking Dawn. LOL! Ryan asked if Kellan will go to Nikki Reed’s wedding to Paul McDonald.

“Twilight” hottie, Kellan Lutz called into “On Air with Ryan Seacrest” on Monday to discuss his upcoming movie “Immortals,” how he got the body of a Greek god, and whether of not he will be in attendance when “Twilight” co-star Nikki Reed marries Paul McDonald from “American Idol.”

Earlier this month, Nikki Reed and Paul McDonald announced their engagement, has Kellen received his invite to the wedding yet?

“I’ve never seen Nikki so happy and we really got close throughout all these movies. I’m just so happy for her. It’s great to see, especially in Hollywood, that real lovely happiness or marriage and I hope I’m invited!” Kellan shared.

When asked about his own love life, specifically his on-off relationship with AnnaLynne McCord, Kellan replied “We are both busy and we are both focused on our work.” Ladies, it sounds like Kellan may be single!


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